Friday, October 03, 2014

77th Pathfinder Craft and Vendor Boutique Fundraiser

77th Pathfinder Craft and Vendor Boutique Fundraiser

The 77th London Pathfinders are hosting a craft and vendor boutique where you can do all your shopping in one place! 

Admittance is Free!

Child care will be available while you shop!

We are raising money to visit the Girl Guide World Centre Our Cabana!

Chocolate Mint Girl Guide Cookies will be available!

Please come out and help support our fundraising efforts.

Some of the many vendors that will have a table at our event are: AloetteArbonneAusable River Soap CompanyAvonBling BoutiqueEpicureMary KayPampered ChefPartyliteScentzySteeped TeaThirty One GiftsTupperwareUsborne Booksand many many more!!!